
A rant or story about all sorts of things. All true stories!

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Location: Langdon, North Dakota, United States

I are awesome

09 February 2007

Birthday you say?

So today is my birthday. What a swell one it has been. I barely had 13 deliveries. I spent over an hour hanging out with Francis Tremblay. Checked out his wicked awesome house. Then, I made a few more deliveries. For lunch I had three McDonald's cheeseburgers and an alcohol-free beer. I am a driver you know. Then, I went to ChemWest and hung out with the salesman, Glen Johnson, for another half hour or more. After I was done there I finished the rest of my deliveries and went to Canadian Tire for a while. The idiot kids they have working there pissed me off so I didn't buy anything. I finished off the day by loading my van for Monday and left early. On the way home I stopped at the Princess hotel in Trashcona and made use of their "drive-thru" vendor. Ah, Busch. The smoothest of the refreshing beers. Don't ask me how a liquid can be smooth. Advertisers wouldn't lie; they're obviously geniuses. After the beer came the pizza. Little Caesar's it is. They now have chipotle dipping sauce. Now I am home and it is almost time to play video games, read my fliers and do some homework. I'm making a maintenance schedule for the van. Also today I got a swell email from Deanne. Have I mentioned how ridiculously cute she is. Also one from Sherri. But I know her tricks. I think she's out to get me. In conclusion, Busch beer is where it's at.


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