
A rant or story about all sorts of things. All true stories!

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Location: Langdon, North Dakota, United States

I are awesome

17 March 2007

Newness and Cleanliness Make Me Overjoyed

When everything starts to seem old and commonplace I get down in the dumps about everything. That's why I think new things kick ass. Or when I clean up around my car or basement. At work, everything is slowly changing. Some changes are better than others. We now have meetings every Monday morning. For someone like myself, who has always just been an expendable grunt it seems very strange. During these meeting every employee must come up with a goal for the week and describe how we implemented last weeks goal. Which after a couple of months now it becoming difficult to come up with achievable goals. One of mine was to get going on having the delivery van decalled with the company logo. I made a logo disk and found a company for an estimate. But while I was making the logo disk I decided for fun to alter our logo by adding some black and grey stripes and emailed it to our manager. I said it would look good on touque. He decided to show it to the owner of the company and they are considering using my version on the van. That would be cool because then I could continually point that out and be a pompous ass. "Check it out. Those stripes there. I did that." Ahh, that's hilarious. That is, it arouses great merriment in me. Next I want an external mount for my two-wheeler. It keeps dripping melted snow and rain off its tires and wrecks toilet paper and paper towels in my van. Blast!


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